Learning Through Play: Getting a Jump Start on School

Learning Through Play: Getting a Jump Start on School

School is back. Whether that means heading into a school building or heading into a home office, kids are getting back to the job of learning. In a normal year, kids experience what is known as the “summer slide”: a loss of reading and math skills over the summer due to lack of use. This year, it will be worse. Some researchers are calling it the “coronavirus slide.”

What can parents do?

While the most important task is to help your children keep up with their schoolwork, whether they are schooling virtually or in-person, parents can also supplement the learning process with toys and games curated specifically to encourage learning. We, at Kazoo Toys, work hard to provide not only fun toys and games, but those that can also encourage learning through play.

It’s not too late! From Brainquest to Rainbow Math, letters to cursive, math facts to sight words, we have learning toys and games that can help. With a wide selection of games, kits, and workbooks, our play experts are ready to help you find the perfect toy or game to make learning FUN for any age.

Getting a Jump Start on School