Learning Through Play: Getting a Jump Start on School
Although kids may not want to acknowledge it yet, school is just around the corner. Every summer, many kids experience what is known as the “summer slide”: a loss of reading and math skills over the summer due to lack of use.
What can parents do?
While summer is certainly a time for fun and escaping from the rigors of the school year, parents can supplement the learning process over the summer with toys and games curated specifically to encourage learning. We at Kazoo Toys work hard to provide not only fun toys and games, but those that can also encourage learning through play.
Here are some suggestions for great learning toys at different ages. Click any item to learn more.
0 – 12 Months
10 – 18 Months
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
6 Years
7 Years
8 Years
9-10 Years
11-12 Years
Other Learning
Indestructibles (books)
That’s Not My (books)
Babies Love (books)
Brain Quest is a classic learning series, with flashcards targeted for specific age/grade levels (ages 2 – 11), as well as summer workbooks targeted for the summer between grades (grades Pre-K – Rising 6th).
Need more? Our play experts are ready to help you find the perfect summer learning toy for any age to help keep up those skills over the summer.