Private Holiday Shopping Appointments
The holidays can be chaotic, so Kazoo Toys wants to help you shop in peace. Get your lists ready, because we are taking private shopping appointments throughout the holiday season, starting October 1st.
During your appointment, the store is yours for a full 30 minutes! A staff member will be available to shop with you or to leave you completely alone, whatever your preference. When you are finished shopping, we will ring up your purchases, discuss complimentary gift-wrapping, and let you know when your wrapped gifts will be available for pick-up.
For appointments October 1 – 31, your $20 deposit earns a $25 credit toward your purchase the day of your appointment. For appointments Nov 1 – Dec 20, your $20 deposit will be applied in full to your purchase the day of your appointment.
Don’t wait until the last minute to do your holiday shopping – put it on the calendar now! Appointments are available through December 20, but must be scheduled by Tuesday, December 10. We look forward to helping you with all of your holiday toy shopping!